node_modules subfolder directory in React

Posted on: June 12th, 2022
By: Tadeo Martinez

In simple terms as I understand it, the node_modules is the dependency that provides additional functionality to React so that you don’t have to write the code from scratch.

From there, you can add and remove as needed. I’ll write articles about each one and their functionalities as I keep learning more about React.

There are 797 subfolders under node_modules with React version 18.1.0 using npm view react version in terminal to check.

  • node_modules
    1. @ampproject
    2. @apideck
    3. @babel
    4. @bcoe
    5. @csstools
    6. @eslint
    7. @humanwhocodes
    8. @istanbuljs
    9. @jest
    10. @jridgewell
    11. @leichtgewicht
    12. @nodelib
    13. @pmmmwh
    14. @rollup
    15. @rushstack
    16. @sinclair
    17. @sinonjs
    18. @surma
    19. @svgr
    20. @testing-library
    21. @tootallnate
    22. @trysound
    23. @types
    24. @typescript-eslint
    25. @webassemblyjs
    26. @xtuc
    27. abab
    28. accepts
    29. acorn
    30. acorn-globals
    31. acorn-import-assertions
    32. acorn-jsx
    33. acorn-node
    34. acorn-walk
    35. address
    36. adjust-sourcemap-loader
    37. agent-base
    38. ajv
    39. ajv-formats
    40. ajv-keywords
    41. ansi-escapes
    42. ansi-html-community
    43. ansi-regex
    44. ansi-styles
    45. anymatch
    46. arg
    47. argparse
    48. aria-query
    49. array-flatten
    50. array-includes
    51. array-union
    52. array.prototype.flat
    53. array.prototype.flatmap
    54. array.prototype.reduce
    55. asap
    56. ast-types-flow
    57. async
    58. asynckit
    59. at-least-node
    60. atob
    61. autoprefixer
    62. axe-core
    63. axobject-query
    64. babel-jest
    65. babel-loader
    66. babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node
    67. babel-plugin-istanbul
    68. babel-plugin-jest-hoist
    69. babel-plugin-macros
    70. babel-plugin-named-asset-import
    71. babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2
    72. babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3
    73. babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator
    74. babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types
    75. babel-preset-current-node-syntax
    76. babel-preset-jest
    77. babel-preset-react-app
    78. balanced-match
    79. batch
    80. bfj
    81. big.js
    82. binary-extensions
    83. bluebird
    84. body-parser
    85. bonjour-service
    86. boolbase
    87. brace-expansion
    88. braces
    89. browser-process-hrtime
    90. browserslist
    91. bser
    92. buffer-from
    93. builtin-modules
    94. bytes
    95. call-bind
    96. callsites
    97. camel-case
    98. camelcase
    99. camelcase-css
    100. caniuse-api
    101. caniuse-lite
    102. case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin
    103. chalk
    104. char-regex
    105. charcodes
    106. check-types
    107. chokidar
    108. chrome-trace-event
    109. ci-info
    110. cjs-module-lexer
    111. clean-css
    112. cliui
    113. co
    114. coa
    115. collect-v8-coverage
    116. color-convert
    117. color-name
    118. colord
    119. colorette
    120. combined-stream
    121. commander
    122. common-path-prefix
    123. common-tags
    124. commondir
    125. compressible
    126. compression
    127. concat-map
    128. confusing-browser-globals
    129. connect-history-api-fallback
    130. content-disposition
    131. content-type
    132. convert-source-map
    133. cookie
    134. cookie-signature
    135. core-js
    136. core-js-compat
    137. core-js-pure
    138. core-util-is
    139. cosmiconfig
    140. cross-spawn
    141. crypto-random-string
    142. css
    143. css-blank-pseudo
    144. css-declaration-sorter
    145. css-has-pseudo
    146. css-loader
    147. css-minimizer-webpack-plugin
    148. css-prefers-color-scheme
    149. css-select
    150. css-select-base-adapter
    151. css-tree
    152. css-what
    153. css.escape
    154. cssdb
    155. cssesc
    156. cssnano
    157. cssnano-preset-default
    158. cssnano-utils
    159. csso
    160. cssom
    161. cssstyle
    162. csstype
    163. damerau-levenshtein
    164. data-urls
    165. debug
    166. decimal.js
    167. decode-uri-component
    168. dedent
    169. deep-is
    170. deepmerge
    171. default-gateway
    172. define-lazy-prop
    173. define-properties
    174. defined
    175. delayed-stream
    176. depd
    177. destroy
    178. detect-newline
    179. detect-node
    180. detect-port-alt
    181. detective
    182. didyoumean
    183. diff-sequences
    184. dir-glob
    185. dlv
    186. dns-equal
    187. dns-packet
    188. doctrine
    189. dom-accessibility-api
    190. dom-converter
    191. dom-serializer
    192. domelementtype
    193. domexception
    194. domhandler
    195. domutils
    196. dot-case
    197. dotenv
    198. dotenv-expand
    199. duplexer
    200. ee-first
    201. ejs
    202. electron-to-chromium
    203. emittery
    204. emoji-regex
    205. emojis-list
    206. encodeurl
    207. enhanced-resolve
    208. entities
    209. error-ex
    210. error-stack-parser
    211. es-abstract
    212. es-array-method-boxes-properly
    213. es-module-lexer
    214. es-shim-unscopables
    215. es-to-primitive
    216. escalade
    217. escape-html
    218. escape-string-regexp
    219. escodegen
    220. eslint
    221. eslint-config-react-app
    222. eslint-import-resolver-node
    223. eslint-module-utils
    224. eslint-plugin-flowtype
    225. eslint-plugin-import
    226. eslint-plugin-jest
    227. eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
    228. eslint-plugin-react
    229. eslint-plugin-react-hooks
    230. eslint-plugin-testing-library
    231. eslint-scope
    232. eslint-utils
    233. eslint-visitor-keys
    234. eslint-webpack-plugin
    235. espree
    236. esprima
    237. esquery
    238. esrecurse
    239. estraverse
    240. estree-walker
    241. esutils
    242. etag
    243. eventemitter3
    244. events
    245. execa
    246. exit
    247. expect
    248. express
    249. fast-deep-equal
    250. fast-glob
    251. fast-json-stable-stringify
    252. fast-levenshtein
    253. fastq
    254. faye-websocket
    255. fb-watchman
    256. file-entry-cache
    257. file-loader
    258. filelist
    259. filesize
    260. fill-range
    261. finalhandler
    262. find-cache-dir
    263. find-up
    264. flat-cache
    265. flatted
    266. follow-redirects
    267. fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin
    268. form-data
    269. forwarded
    270. fraction.js
    271. fresh
    272. fs-extra
    273. fs-monkey
    274. fs.realpath
    275. fsevents
    276. function-bind
    278. functional-red-black-tree
    279. functions-have-names
    280. gensync
    281. get-caller-file
    282. get-intrinsic
    283. get-own-enumerable-property-symbols
    284. get-package-type
    285. get-stream
    286. get-symbol-description
    287. glob
    288. glob-parent
    289. glob-to-regexp
    290. global-modules
    291. global-prefix
    292. globals
    293. globby
    294. graceful-fs
    295. gzip-size
    296. handle-thing
    297. harmony-reflect
    298. has
    299. has-bigints
    300. has-flag
    301. has-property-descriptors
    302. has-symbols
    303. has-tostringtag
    304. he
    305. hoopy
    306. hpack.js
    307. html-encoding-sniffer
    308. html-entities
    309. html-escaper
    310. html-minifier-terser
    311. html-webpack-plugin
    312. htmlparser2
    313. http-deceiver
    314. http-errors
    315. http-parser-js
    316. http-proxy
    317. http-proxy-agent
    318. http-proxy-middleware
    319. https-proxy-agent
    320. human-signals
    321. iconv-lite
    322. icss-utils
    323. idb
    324. identity-obj-proxy
    325. ignore
    326. immer
    327. import-fresh
    328. import-local
    329. imurmurhash
    330. indent-string
    331. inflight
    332. inherits
    333. ini
    334. internal-slot
    335. ipaddr.js
    336. is-arrayish
    337. is-bigint
    338. is-binary-path
    339. is-boolean-object
    340. is-callable
    341. is-core-module
    342. is-date-object
    343. is-docker
    344. is-extglob
    345. is-fullwidth-code-point
    346. is-generator-fn
    347. is-glob
    348. is-module
    349. is-negative-zero
    350. is-number
    351. is-number-object
    352. is-obj
    353. is-plain-obj
    354. is-potential-custom-element-name
    355. is-regex
    356. is-regexp
    357. is-root
    358. is-shared-array-buffer
    359. is-stream
    360. is-string
    361. is-symbol
    362. is-typedarray
    363. is-weakref
    364. is-wsl
    365. isarray
    366. isexe
    367. istanbul-lib-coverage
    368. istanbul-lib-instrument
    369. istanbul-lib-report
    370. istanbul-lib-source-maps
    371. istanbul-reports
    372. jake
    373. jest
    374. jest-changed-files
    375. jest-circus
    376. jest-config
    377. jest-diff
    378. jest-docblock
    379. jest-each
    380. jest-environment-jsdom
    381. jest-environment-node
    382. jest-get-type
    383. jest-haste-map
    384. jest-jasmine2
    385. jest-leak-detector
    386. jest-matcher-utils
    387. jest-message-util
    388. jest-mock
    389. jest-pnp-resolver
    390. jest-regex-util
    391. jest-resolve
    392. jest-resolve-dependencies
    393. jest-runner
    394. jest-runtime
    395. jest-serializer
    396. jest-snapshot
    397. jest-util
    398. jest-validate
    399. jest-watch-typeahead
    400. jest-watcher
    401. jest-worker
    402. js-tokens
    403. js-yaml
    404. jsdom
    405. jsesc
    406. json-parse-even-better-errors
    407. json-schema
    408. json-schema-traverse
    409. json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify
    410. json5
    411. jsonfile
    412. jsonpointer
    413. jsx-ast-utils
    414. kind-of
    415. kleur
    416. klona
    417. language-subtag-registry
    418. language-tags
    419. leven
    420. levn
    421. lilconfig
    422. lines-and-columns
    423. loader-runner
    424. loader-utils
    425. locate-path
    426. lodash
    427. lodash.debounce
    428. lodash.memoize
    429. lodash.merge
    430. lodash.sortby
    431. lodash.uniq
    432. loose-envify
    433. lower-case
    434. lru-cache
    435. lz-string
    436. magic-string
    437. make-dir
    438. makeerror
    439. mdn-data
    440. media-typer
    441. memfs
    442. merge-descriptors
    443. merge-stream
    444. merge2
    445. methods
    446. micromatch
    447. mime
    448. mime-db
    449. mime-types
    450. mimic-fn
    451. min-indent
    452. mini-css-extract-plugin
    453. minimalistic-assert
    454. minimatch
    455. minimist
    456. mkdirp
    457. ms
    458. multicast-dns
    459. nanoid
    460. natural-compare
    461. negotiator
    462. neo-async
    463. no-case
    464. node-forge
    465. node-int64
    466. node-releases
    467. normalize-path
    468. normalize-range
    469. normalize-url
    470. npm-run-path
    471. nth-check
    472. nwsapi
    473. object-assign
    474. object-hash
    475. object-inspect
    476. object-keys
    477. object.assign
    478. object.entries
    479. object.fromentries
    480. object.getownpropertydescriptors
    481. object.hasown
    482. object.values
    483. obuf
    484. on-finished
    485. on-headers
    486. once
    487. onetime
    488. open
    489. optionator
    490. p-limit
    491. p-locate
    492. p-retry
    493. p-try
    494. param-case
    495. parent-module
    496. parse-json
    497. parse5
    498. parseurl
    499. pascal-case
    500. path-exists
    501. path-is-absolute
    502. path-key
    503. path-parse
    504. path-to-regexp
    505. path-type
    506. performance-now
    507. picocolors
    508. picomatch
    509. pify
    510. pirates
    511. pkg-dir
    512. pkg-up
    513. postcss
    514. postcss-attribute-case-insensitive
    515. postcss-browser-comments
    516. postcss-calc
    517. postcss-clamp
    518. postcss-color-functional-notation
    519. postcss-color-hex-alpha
    520. postcss-color-rebeccapurple
    521. postcss-colormin
    522. postcss-convert-values
    523. postcss-custom-media
    524. postcss-custom-properties
    525. postcss-custom-selectors
    526. postcss-dir-pseudo-class
    527. postcss-discard-comments
    528. postcss-discard-duplicates
    529. postcss-discard-empty
    530. postcss-discard-overridden
    531. postcss-double-position-gradients
    532. postcss-env-function
    533. postcss-flexbugs-fixes
    534. postcss-focus-visible
    535. postcss-focus-within
    536. postcss-font-variant
    537. postcss-gap-properties
    538. postcss-image-set-function
    539. postcss-import
    540. postcss-initial
    541. postcss-js
    542. postcss-lab-function
    543. postcss-load-config
    544. postcss-loader
    545. postcss-logical
    546. postcss-media-minmax
    547. postcss-merge-longhand
    548. postcss-merge-rules
    549. postcss-minify-font-values
    550. postcss-minify-gradients
    551. postcss-minify-params
    552. postcss-minify-selectors
    553. postcss-modules-extract-imports
    554. postcss-modules-local-by-default
    555. postcss-modules-scope
    556. postcss-modules-values
    557. postcss-nested
    558. postcss-nesting
    559. postcss-normalize
    560. postcss-normalize-charset
    561. postcss-normalize-display-values
    562. postcss-normalize-positions
    563. postcss-normalize-repeat-style
    564. postcss-normalize-string
    565. postcss-normalize-timing-functions
    566. postcss-normalize-unicode
    567. postcss-normalize-url
    568. postcss-normalize-whitespace
    569. postcss-opacity-percentage
    570. postcss-ordered-values
    571. postcss-overflow-shorthand
    572. postcss-page-break
    573. postcss-place
    574. postcss-preset-env
    575. postcss-pseudo-class-any-link
    576. postcss-reduce-initial
    577. postcss-reduce-transforms
    578. postcss-replace-overflow-wrap
    579. postcss-selector-not
    580. postcss-selector-parser
    581. postcss-svgo
    582. postcss-unique-selectors
    583. postcss-value-parser
    584. prelude-ls
    585. pretty-bytes
    586. pretty-error
    587. pretty-format
    588. process-nextick-args
    589. promise
    590. prompts
    591. prop-types
    592. proxy-addr
    593. psl
    594. punycode
    595. q
    596. qs
    597. queue-microtask
    598. quick-lru
    599. raf
    600. randombytes
    601. range-parser
    602. raw-body
    603. react
    604. react-app-polyfill
    605. react-dev-utils
    606. react-dom
    607. react-error-overlay
    608. react-is
    609. react-refresh
    610. react-scripts
    611. read-cache
    612. readable-stream
    613. readdirp
    614. recursive-readdir
    615. redent
    616. regenerate
    617. regenerate-unicode-properties
    618. regenerator-runtime
    619. regenerator-transform
    620. regex-parser
    621. regexp.prototype.flags
    622. regexpp
    623. regexpu-core
    624. regjsgen
    625. regjsparser
    626. relateurl
    627. renderkid
    628. require-directory
    629. require-from-string
    630. requires-port
    631. resolve
    632. resolve-cwd
    633. resolve-from
    634. resolve-url-loader
    635. resolve.exports
    636. retry
    637. reusify
    638. rimraf
    639. rollup
    640. rollup-plugin-terser
    641. run-parallel
    642. safe-buffer
    643. safer-buffer
    644. sanitize.css
    645. sass-loader
    646. sax
    647. saxes
    648. scheduler
    649. schema-utils
    650. select-hose
    651. selfsigned
    652. semver
    653. send
    654. serialize-javascript
    655. serve-index
    656. serve-static
    657. setprototypeof
    658. shebang-command
    659. shebang-regex
    660. shell-quote
    661. side-channel
    662. signal-exit
    663. sisteransi
    664. slash
    665. sockjs
    666. source-list-map
    667. source-map
    668. source-map-js
    669. source-map-loader
    670. source-map-resolve
    671. source-map-support
    672. sourcemap-codec
    673. spdy
    674. spdy-transport
    675. sprintf-js
    676. stable
    677. stack-utils
    678. stackframe
    679. statuses
    680. string_decoder
    681. string-length
    682. string-natural-compare
    683. string-width
    684. string.prototype.matchall
    685. string.prototype.trimend
    686. string.prototype.trimstart
    687. stringify-object
    688. strip-ansi
    689. strip-bom
    690. strip-comments
    691. strip-final-newline
    692. strip-indent
    693. strip-json-comments
    694. style-loader
    695. stylehacks
    696. supports-color
    697. supports-hyperlinks
    698. supports-preserve-symlinks-flag
    699. svg-parser
    700. svgo
    701. symbol-tree
    702. tailwindcss
    703. tapable
    704. temp-dir
    705. tempy
    706. terminal-link
    707. terser
    708. terser-webpack-plugin
    709. test-exclude
    710. text-table
    711. throat
    712. thunky
    713. tmpl
    714. to-fast-properties
    715. to-regex-range
    716. toidentifier
    717. tough-cookie
    718. tr46
    719. tryer
    720. tsconfig-paths
    721. tslib
    722. tsutils
    723. type-check
    724. type-detect
    725. type-fest
    726. type-is
    727. typedarray-to-buffer
    728. unbox-primitive
    729. unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript
    730. unicode-match-property-ecmascript
    731. unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript
    732. unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript
    733. unique-string
    734. universalify
    735. unpipe
    736. unquote
    737. upath
    738. uri-js
    739. util-deprecate
    740. util.promisify
    741. utila
    742. utils-merge
    743. uuid
    744. v8-compile-cache
    745. v8-to-istanbul
    746. vary
    747. w3c-hr-time
    748. w3c-xmlserializer
    749. walker
    750. watchpack
    751. wbuf
    752. web-vitals
    753. webidl-conversions
    754. webpack
    755. webpack-dev-middleware
    756. webpack-dev-server
    757. webpack-manifest-plugin
    758. webpack-sources
    759. websocket-driver
    760. websocket-extensions
    761. whatwg-encoding
    762. whatwg-fetch
    763. whatwg-mimetype
    764. whatwg-url
    765. which
    766. which-boxed-primitive
    767. word-wrap
    768. workbox-background-sync
    769. workbox-broadcast-update
    770. workbox-build
    771. workbox-cacheable-response
    772. workbox-core
    773. workbox-expiration
    774. workbox-google-analytics
    775. workbox-navigation-preload
    776. workbox-precaching
    777. workbox-range-requests
    778. workbox-recipes
    779. workbox-routing
    780. workbox-strategies
    781. workbox-streams
    782. workbox-sw
    783. workbox-webpack-plugin
    784. workbox-window
    785. wrap-ansi
    786. wrappy
    787. write-file-atomic
    788. ws
    789. xml-name-validator
    790. xmlchars
    791. xtend
    792. y18n
    793. yallist
    794. yaml
    795. yargs
    796. yargs-parser
    797. yocto-queue

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